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Tuning Standalone Setup of Limfjord with CMEMS Boundary Conditions
Frishfelds, V., Murawski, J., & She, J. (2021, April). Tuning standalone setup of Limfjord with CMEMS boundary conditions. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU21-15344).
Intercomparison Of Stand-Alone and Two-Way Nested Models for CMEMS Downstream Service
Frishfelds, V., Murawski, J., & She, J. (2021, May). Intercomparison Of Stand-Alone and Two-Way Nested Models for CMEMS Downstream Service. In 9th EuroGOOS International conference.
Methodology for defining Homogeneous Water Bodies for Management purposes
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Ocean Circulation Model Application for the Estuary-Coastal-Open Sea Continuum
Murawski, J., She, J., Mohn, C., Frishfelds, V., & Nielsen, J. W. (2021). Ocean Circulation Model Applications for the Estuary-Coastal-Open Sea Continuum. Frontiers in Marine Science, 515.