Welcome to the FORCOAST Project
The EU-funded project FORCOAST is developing, testing and demonstrating, in operational mode, novel Copernicus-based downstream information services that will incorporate Copernicus Marine, Land and Climate Services Products, local monitoring data and advanced modelling in the service. The services will integrate Copernicus Earth Observation Products with local models and other diverse data sources (local, regional or global) with ICT (enhancing new frontiers opened by web, and use of cloud) across the different market segments. FORCOAST will provide consistent coastal data products, based on a standardized data processing scheme.
FORCOAST is supporting the concept of developing an advanced platform and cloud computing for Copernicus-based downstream services utilizing one of the DIAS systems. The availability and accessibility of data and derived products generated will stimulate their exploitation by a wide range of user communities in the targeted sectors. FORCOAST will provide those services in eight pilot service uptake sites covering five different regional waters (North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and the coastal Atlantic Ocean).

Early Warning Systems
on potential risk factors issuing alerts on storms, harmful algal blooms, faecal contamination and other hazards.

Real-Time Crisis Management
fishery stock levels and capacity, oyster growing rates, environmental conditions, and mariculture production rates.

Information for Planning Operations
regarding pollution accidents to identify the appropriate responses.

Key Performance Indicators
including accurate and reliable meteorological, hydrodynamic and water quality forecasts.