The content of this website is compiled with care and our best effort, but it is purely informational, we do not accept responsibility for mistakes and inaccuracies.
The project is funded by the European Union (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870465). However, the content of this website reflects the opinion of their authors and does not in any way represent opinions of the European Union.
This website have been composed by, or at any rate by order of, Stichting Deltares, with its registered office in Delft (2629 HV) and its principal place of business at Boussinesqweg 1 (hereinafter called: Deltares). Deltares is registered with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry under number 41146461. Other contact details are: telephone: + 31 (0)88 335 8273 ; fax: + 31 (0)88 335 8582 ;
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Unless stated differently, all intellectual property rights in connection with this website, including the software, texts, images and sounds (hereinafter jointly “Information”), are vested exclusively in Deltares, in its affiliates or its contractors. This means among other things that it is not permitted, without the prior, written permission of Deltares to make public, reproduce and/or modify the Information of this website. It is also not permitted to use the Information for text- and data- mining and machine learning. However, use of the Information is permitted for personal, non-commercial use and to the extent permitted under mandatory law.
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