Due to your involvement and contribution to the co-design process of the FORCOAST project (https://forcoast.eu/) and services along the past few years we would like to ask you to asses and provide feedback on our final products. Your contribution has been crucial, and we sincerely thank you for that. We are glad to announce that the FORCOAST marine and coastal services are now ready for you.
As the final stage in the project development, this is an invitation to participate to the FORCOAST Final End-Users Survey which will gather your feedback on the developed services. You can check out the final version of the demonstration web-application platform here: FORCOAST Central Platform or go directly to provide you feedback here:
Link to the FORCOAST services feedback survey
Thank you again, for your collaboration in this process, which has been key for the success of FORCOAST, and for participating in this last survey.